The one and only - Frida Khalo
Available for sale - Disponível para venda
Oil on canvas


,#artandculture ,

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Depicting the wise sages of ancient India. They sat under massive trees - banyan trees & meditate or pour their wisdom to eager crowds.

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Namaskaram. I'm katia, a Russian artist / Moscow in India, married to an indian, deeply fascinated by Hope you love my work!

17 82

Hold fast to dreams,
For if dreams die
Life is a broken-winged bird,
That cannot fly.

_Langston Hughes

,#artandculture ,

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Umberto Boccioni, La città che sale, olio su tela, 1910-11, Museum of Modern Art, New York, USA.

Per scoprire meglio e le sue opere, attualmente in esposizione a Milano, v'invito 👇😉

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Art Camera ของ Google ชัดแค่ไหน?

ก่อนจะเล่าเรื่อง Art Camera ต้องขอแนะนำ Google Art & Culture กันก่อน โปรเจ็คนี้เป็นการรวบรวมผลงานศิลปะมาทำเป็นคลังข้อมูลออนไลน์ เหมือนเป็นพิพิธภัณฑ์ศิลปะของโลก ยิ่งใหญ่ระดับนั้น

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Another painting you can buy to support จัดแสดงวันนี้ -29 สิงหาคม ไปชมกันได้นะคะ

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Can you spy six pairs of eyes in the jungle? Love the zoom feature in

Learn to be curious. Learn to truly see!

“The Equatorial Jungle”
🎨 Henry Rousseau
📅 1909
🔁 Instagram

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La copertina dell'album "Storia di un minuto" (1972), il primo in studio, della rock band italiana PFM - Premiata Forneria Marconi riecheggia il....

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Caro Marzo, come stai tu, e gli Altri –
Hai lasciato bene la Natura –
Oh Marzo, Vieni di sopra con me –
Ho così tanto da raccontare....
Caro Marzo

🖼 Dipinto di 1938.

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Karel Dujardin, "Boy Blowing Soap Bubbles. Allegory on the Transitoriness and the Brevity of Life", 1668.

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La copertina dell'album omonimo "Neil Young" (1968) del cantautore canadese, con accenni all'espressionismo, fu opera dell'artista Roland Diehl.

L'album in questione fu quello che...

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Simon Willem Maris, Ritratto di una giovane donna di colore, olio su tela, 1890.

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Leonor Fini fotografata mentre dipinge, nel 1952.

Leonor Fini (30 agosto 1907 - 18 gennaio 1996) è stata una pittrice, scrittrice, scenografa, costumista e illustratrice italiana. Donna inquieta, cosmopolita e versatile...

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Ladies and gentlemen, this this thisss movement will make 2020 unforgetableee 😊😊😊😊

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Tonight’s we are revisiting our first ever queer artist feature
Head over to the blog - link in bio to learn more about the artist!

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William Mc Gregor Paxton (1869 - 1941), Tea Leaves, olio su tela, 1909.

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Un dettaglio dagli affreschi che caratterizzano la volta della Capella Sistina, in Vaticano, opera del Buonarroti. Al centro dell'attenzione il profeta Ezechiele.

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