ey guys! long time no artweet! well actually made some stuff already but gonna start doing it on queues rather than post it as soon as it's finished, anyways here's a mdkaru

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"In each picture is a whole lifetime imprisoned, a whole lifetime of fears, doubts, hopes, and joys..."
•Artwork: Seyed Mohamad Mosavat (Iran) - "Acute Happiness"

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A comm for @/CydarTweets (and also for @/_notnotJess)!!

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【展覧会情報】#謝敷ゆうり 展「#メタモルフォシス」…会期:7/17(土)~7/31(土)12~17時※月火曜休廊、場所:#不忍画廊(東京・日本橋) https://t.co/hh902mPnYI

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hello artweet, my cat needs surgery because he cant pee and vet said they cant put catheter because of the blockage in the uretra. im opening emergency commission for his fees, rts are appreciated thank you so much.❤️❤️ icons for 250Php/5usd

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Hello there, and thank you for this epic opportunity! ΩωΩ
I'm Dreadementous, a pixelartist with Asperger's who loves to make pixelart of videogames and other stuff that I'm obsessed with!

Artweet Archive; https://t.co/NYtoTrp4r0

My DA: https://t.co/4auxfiFz92

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Stop all your plans, I've read a book on the YouTube.

The first stomping adventure of GORMY RUCKLES, MONSTER BOY, with illustrations by Ross Collins!



Please RT (RoarTweet)

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【展覧会情報】ひらのにこ 個展「白光/白熱」…会期:10/29(火)~11/3(日)11:00~20:00※最終日18:00迄。場所:アートコンプレックスセンター(東京・四谷三丁目) https://t.co/SsmdT14W2Z

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【展覧会情報】谷川千佳 個展「0.3秒の温室」…会期:2019.2.26(火)ー3.3(日)12:00-20:00※最終日17:00まで場所:ギャラリールモンド(東京・渋谷区神宮前6-32-5ドルミ原宿201)

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