Por un análisis que hice hace varios twitts antes sin dudas de todos los de Aire-Neutrales que hay mi compañero digimon seria Bokomon

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a bokomon le tengo a navimon xd hahaha

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I like to think that Bokomon gave Gammamon the scarf as a gift~

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-Bokomon Sensei (Ghost Game)
-Ancient Wisemon

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Today's Cute Critter of the Day is Bokomon from Digimon!!

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this is the last time I drew him. Spitz and his Bokomon...

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Et la reutilisation de Bokomon fait partie des nouvelles résolutions de Digimon depuis 2020

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Oui c'est Hyokomon le poussin! Il viens d'un jeu Digimon de Nintendo DS. Voici Bokomon! J'ai essaye de garder la thematique du Livre/Savoir en passant par un Champion qui a le meme code couleur.

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Okay you can stop asking for a Bokomon Digivolution now

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Happy birthday to Numata Yusuke, the voice of Flymon and Tsumemon in Xros Wars, Perorimon in Appli Monsters, and Bokomon in Ghost Game, and Canna Nobutoshi (), who voiced Examon in Xros Wars and Sealsdramon in Ghost Game! 🎂🎉

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Y por si acaso todavia no habias comprendido la situacion, Bokomon te lo deja muy claro, estais jodidos.

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Con Gigasmon fuera, Koji ya puede volver a moverse y lo que ha hecho ha sido ir corriendo a Bokomon a confirmar si debe luchar o no. Los otros 4 se habrian tirado a la yugular sin pensarlo y podrian haber matado a Shamamon.

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a quick doodle of Spitz and his Bokomon wahh

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Gammamon: "I'll hand this to bokomon to try!"

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thank you, bokomon!

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