How Global Consciousness is Coherently Speaking To Us

feeling of being awake and aware; and profound connection of everything to everything.

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"My 3 year old is fully vaccinated and I received my booster while pregnant with my 4 month old. I plan to boost again while nursing her so she can get those antibodies AND get her vaccinated once she is eligible."

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"Kuku Kuku... tilʹky za Michalka" is the first of childhood.
Paradox - for the third time, a marriage was concluded with Michael
Similar makes one understand and the of the envious people's.

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Laws & taxes are tools to subjugate & impoverish the people with
At the top they avoid taxes & the rule of law
Cognitive dissonance, Stockholm syndrome & sh*t for brains has a lot to answer for
This is how Gvt spending really works

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A little progression of the Tucker toon, gonna have a blog on this one soon 👍

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