I live in a world where they just hold each other’s face intensely. (Also nary a treadmill in sight…👀)

0 6

DeLuca-Bishop’s. That’s it, that’s the tweet.

145 831

It's a difficult time for me right now so creating these montages brings me some magic…

14 151

I’m gay & proud of who I am! « coming out was one of the most important things I've ever done, lifting from my shoulders millstone of lies that | hadn't even realized I was carrying. »#MayaBishop

16 77

we're going to the chapel, and we're gonna get married

16 158

I don't know if this concept has already been talked about or anything but I just needed to sketch this before going to sleep 🚒🔥

30 310

New year, new resolutions, new whatever, new wardrobe items- oh wait, what? New wardrobe items are not a thing? Sorry, my bad then :)

79 868