Armor study today! Getting ready to paint my next piece! (=

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What started as a sketch then becomes a light and figure study, then morphs into an imaginative sketch, then a personal project 😅😂 welp.. here’s a WIP am working on the side now. Haha

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I need to post my work more often haha
A few face studies i was thinking of meshing together for a character 😄

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Let’s go to the Red Devil Inn! Commission finished for a friend who’s beginning his campaign. Was happy to portray his party walking the village towards the tavern. Still learning more (:

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The Anankha is a creature set free at midnight to hunt for prey, trespassers that venture too deep within the society’s forest. They say the last thing you don’t see, but hear, is the Anankha’s guttural breath before you even have a chance.

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I love watercolorbrushes!! His a new forest protector, got a bit task ahead of him!

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