
🍀3/17 St. Patrick's Day🍀

期間▶️UTC 3/14 0時- 3/19 0時

▶️ https://t.co/FnBNdlPrbm

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🍀St. Patrick's Day🍀

期間▶️UTC 3/14 0時- 3/19 0時


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Did you know that the oak was considered a sacred tree throughout Europe, associated with the gods of thunder as the trees were often split by lightening. The oak was sacred to the ancient Greeks, the Norse & the Celts.🍃

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The romans were in awe at the customs of the celts who lived by the wall

(My half in a trade with ! )

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Fanseason ideas for Season of Passage/Cycles. It's inspired by the celts !

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““““““Celtic””””””” yes because there are definitely Celtic populations that persisted past the Roman Iron Age outside of France. The Irish, Scottish and especially Welsh are definitely actual Celts and not Germanics, Iberians, Milesians and Scythians.

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- This little fellow, known as Clurichaun is a cousin and an 'evil image’ of a Leprechaun. They say he inhabited Ireland long before the arrival of the Celts. He lives a solitary and adventurous life & is almost always drunk and hostile. https://t.co/lQ9CMozvgr

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Sam, one's other favourite cat, chose Frank Dean's "Irish Coast" (c 1890) for Conrad the Crow's background in this week's wallpaper to fly over while we collect tales from the insular Celts together with & this week!

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Cernunnos is the "horned god" of the Celts. Depicted with antlers, seated cross-legged, and associated with stags, horned serpents, dogs, bulls, and rats. He is usually holding or wearing a torc and often holding a snake by the head in his left hand.

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Romano-British Celts corner a Saxon Raider, 6th century AD

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: Angie stared at the map which Leo had sent prior:
The Roman Empire at its Largest.
The Greeks, Egyptians, Celts, Spaniards. All Rome...
: drums fingertips against the map in her lap:

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- The evergreen plant mistletoe was sacred to the Celts, the Norse, and the Native Americans. According to ancient beliefs mistletoe protected against thunder, lightning, warded off evil spirits, kept witches away, and was a healing plant. https://t.co/KhanLlvN5U

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Oak, Ash & Thorn are trees sacred to the Celts, especially when found growing together. The oak brings healing & protection along with prosperity & luck. The ash brings prophecy & healing, & the hawthorn symbolises fertility & is a tree sacred to faeries.

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Queen of the Night: https://t.co/cQeCffDvSt

A backward journey through the origins of – 18th- and 19th-century artists, Queen Victoria and Elizabeth I, Fairies and Celts

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Another piece from hands in the sea. I was the colour artist on this piece working alongside a line artist we produced over a hundred of these I think! I'll show more off in future!

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day 27: RAWHIDE

Some early designs for Natives, based off Picts and Celts. They're a thriving, established group in the Frontier that has no qualms defending their homeland from invaders. The cycle of life and nature manifests in blue, swirling tattoos on the skin.

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To celebrate 's rebrand, here are the two main protagonists of my personal lore, Ulf and Liv.

Discontent with the warmongering ways of the Celts, they started to foster in orphans from conflicts to teach them warrior's code to survive


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Celtic marines in Byzantine service outside a brothel in 6th century.

It's likely that many Celts served in both the armies and navies of Byzantium!

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🕉 Somvar Special:
The 4000 years old seal shows a with a horned crown surrounded by animals. Another similar horned god was worshiped by the Celts of around 150 BCE & was also known as the 'Lord of Animals'!

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