introduction time! 💙

my name is auden, and i go by they/them. my role in the system is to comfort other alters when in distress; i call myself the comforter 😊 i am also an introject of Daveed Diggs

fun fact: my name means "old friend!"

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Hello April❤️

The Comforter 0.25E

The Veil (Open for Offer)

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英語版です! [EN]
I want to try sleeping using Hasumi-mama's wings as a comforter.
(100% real down comforter lol)


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Big big Birthday hugs are the big big best. <3 Especially when there's a freakin' Sweet comforter. My bedding for real life when? I love the stars in the background. <3 I am spoiled by the people in my life. ^-^

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1girl, comforter, from above, A woman lays in bed with a duvet pulled up to her head, what could she be thinking or feeling?

ワイが考えたのはfrom above まで。後はChatGPTに出してもらったので疑問文が入ってる。そして一発でおふとんかぶりが出た。 お試しあれ!

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1girl, lying on bed, comforter, from above, ALTにNPいれときます。とはいえ、通常使ってるやつなので、grans_penisとか入ってますけどw

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1girl, lying on bed, comforter, from above, でコレ!まじか。

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布団に挑戦しようと打ち込み始めたんだけど、1girl, lying on bed, comforter, でNAI君が苦手なはずの人物の逆向き絵が生成される! うまくいじれば破綻なしイケる?! NAI使いさんお試しよろ!

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little angel with halo and short white hair,closed eyes,sleeping,comforter

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Tell me what gift you want and I'll sneak it under your comforter😉

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Ada padoru! Her Santa sack is a trash bag, and it's full of lumpia and a comforter that her cat peed on

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so my cat made a little cubby in my comforters but he moved before I got a photo so I had to draw it

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The mental illness leaving my body after I fix my comforter which had been sliding off my bed for the past two weeks

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