Do you like Do like Joy Division? You might like my new poster: Two Wheel Pleasures. It'll be available from my website in the next week or two. Please don't feel obliged to RT this to all your alienated post-punk bike-riding friends. xx

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What’s your favorite exercise?? Squat, bench, deadlift, or bicep curls 😂 maybe yoga, rock climbing, or cycling? Let me know what and why in the comments! Pics are encouraged!💪👟🚴‍♂️🧗‍♀️🧘

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How does your business tackle recycling at your premise? Would you like to save up to 50% or more off your dry mixed recycling? Our BID members can do so by signing up to our recycling scheme. Get in touch with us at for more info

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Tthinking.. Cycling? Or horsebackriding, carefully. It would depend on condition of ur knee, mine gave me hell during last times I was able to ride (😭😭sorry) but I also know of many who can without pain.

Perhaps could help you there? I can advise what 2 look for.

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Probably easier to make use of the patterns made for Spencer's coach and applying it to the previous coach model

I'd assume mayyybe a packaging thing too along with recycling? they did make her a smidge longer than usual compared to the other motorized locos

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“I was on a bus and this young woman offered me a seat. I said, "No, thank you very much. I'm in training." "What for?" she said, “Cycling?”
"No, my eighties and nineties." She roared with laughter and sat down.”
Thanks for our fascinating chat

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I don't... How??
I mean, it's a ridiculous thing to be worried about but even setting that aside what is gay about RECYCLING?
How fragile can somebody's ego possibly be

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