Он освещал себе путь, рассказывая ле­генду о снегопаде: если пройти сквозь него, то человек будет счастливым.
А. Полярный
Сказка о самоубийстве

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Hi. Has not exhibited anything for a long time. But I have a new order to illustrate a whole book! As soon as possible, I will expose the finished result, but for now enjoy the process.

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I didn't like the century, and the people in it
I didn't like it, and I buried myself in the
I am returning from a crisis!

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...I need a who would inspire me with feelings, make me better.
Charlotte Bronte "#Shirley"

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И, как выходит сталь из сплава руд и шлака,
Я выйду наконец из горестного мрака,
Я выйду,... закален и горем и борьбой!
Я выйду — для любви, вполне простой и нежной,
В которой бы таилась безмятежно…
Paul Marie

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Being in a close relationship with a woman and sleeping with a woman are two passions that are not only different, but almost opposite... https://t.co/jCOFOiFekZ

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