9/8発売、TCG Force Of WIll、Hero Cluster 5th Booster Pack “Clash of the Star Trees”にて「PIRIN,FAIRY OF CARING WATER」「LONELY DECAMPMENT」2点担当いたしました。海外で発売の商品ですが、お見かけの際はよろしくお願いいたします!

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My man found this nifty 1983 reprint of a circa 1966 version of by with
It features cover art (front and back) by the great

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«Scarlatto, M. Paul?
Ma non era scarlatto!
Era rosa, e rosa pallido
per di più: e, inoltre,
velato dal pizzo nero».

«Rosa o scarlatto,
giallo o cremisi,
verde pisello
o azzurro cielo,
erano colori sfacciati

Charlotte Brönte


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Ya está en preventa la nueva antología de : 🌏💙

Hoy os voy a hablar un poquito de mi relato: 'Y las ballenas dejarán de cantar'.

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in 1375 author (Decameron) and poet, correspondent of Petrarch, Renaissance humanist, the Certaldese, Giovanni Boccaccio died at the age of 62 in Certaldo, Tuscany, Italy. Chiesa dei Santi Jacopo e Filippo, Certaldo https://t.co/ps7wRwW9AB

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Welcome to the Delusional Theatre.
As the 2nd Volume into "Empire Spin-off", [The Decameron] is designed under the frame of "Theatre". Allowing the audience to immersive experience and fully dive in audio-visual is what we ultimately wish to achieve.

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DECAMARK (MissingNo. Hab mix)

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. 『デカメロン伝説』
(The Legend of Decameron)

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Relaxing with music. Boccaccio's Decameron - Garden Scene from the Introduction by Edward John Poynter, 1859.

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Waterhouse followed the dictum of art for art’s sake & his ability & mood setting make one yearn for him to have approached subject matter that was authentic (like Klimt or Schiele, for instance). A Tale from the Decameron (1916), Miranda (1916) & Tristan & Isolde (1916)

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