How much does a dragon weigh?

It depends on the scales...

2 14

Trust me; necromancy is the last thing you'll need......

6 27

Why are dragons hunted by dwarves in the morning?

The early beard gets the wyrm....

0 15

Question of the Day: Is an Aarakocra Cleric also therefore a Bird of Pray?

4 46

Why do you only see dragons during the day?

Because they hate (k)nights...

4 20

The party was swallowed whole by a dragon, only to find themselves transported to a dark room...

It's dungeons in dragons....

0 6

How many Wizards does it take to change a lightbulb?

Depends what they want to change it into....

5 24

Our mage in our just got a spell of divination where he has to ask a question to see how the subject will go. I couldn t help it.

3 14