trying to swat away my brainworms, my first thought goes to maybe night elf restoration druid (of the talon, the sect that mainly deals with turning into birds)

maybe having some interest in the cursed arakkoa from draenor/outland.

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The Apexis Civilization, Primordial Draenor (World of Warcraft Chronicle: Volume II)

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i lost the hdd that had my art on it so no more sucker punch ocs. rip.

bakuzan burlycloud!!
a mainlander pandaren, infested by botani while on draenor. lead her own trade company. caused mayhem. croaked, came back better. a walking shrub.

(🎨: me, icicleteeth, me, cutbox.)

1 5

Their listing doesn't necessarily mean they'll become tameable in DF, just that the models seem like good candidates.

For example, these "feywing" faerie drakes from Draenor seem to be much like dogs in behaviour and intellect. But, most are currently friendly :(

2 22

Suite à un donation goal réussi. Je dois dire du bien de Warlords of Draenor 1 fois / semaine
Donc on commence tout de suite:
-La musique est jolie

1 113

First offer commission owo! A pale orc, which has been quite a challenge.

The client haven't twitter, but you can give love to that OC!

4 13

World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor Arak Structure Concept Artwork

1 2

No both of you wrong.

Warlords of Draenor classic.

0 2

Kirh fluently speaks blackrock dialect (that is almost extinct). He also has a garden with many original Draenor's flowers and plants.

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If anyone plays World of Warcraft and wants to see me do stupid things, I live in Draenor

You will most likely find me in Orgrimmar

0 6

Marzaan, an eternally tired warrior who is a snugglebug outside of combat. He was a Peacekeeper before the exodus from Draenor, but is now serving the Hand of Argus as a Harbinger/Vindicator.

0 1

Let's throw in Kilza Wildblade as well!

Burning Blade orcess from Draenor, that has been roaming Kalimdor ronin style and challenging other orc or other capable warriors to a sword fight ^^

0 3

Hearthstone - Forgotten warrior
New art for Hearthstone Book of Heroes Gul'dan
I did it for a long time, but I'm still happy with how it came out. Hope you enjoyed it!

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Made some I kinda miss playing WoW. I started around when burning crusade came out originally and played up until warlords of draenor and a little bit in battle for azeroth.

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Looks like Blizzard has removed the Legion and Battle for Azeroth CE upgrades from the Blizzard store and are now selling the mounts and pets individually. The Warlords of Draenor CE content is MiA. I'm sure glad I got the upgrades when they were on sale for only ten bucks each!

0 0

Hey Question. people
Does anyone remember back in Warlords of draenor.
when female taurens got the wrong skin texture for a good bit of the expansion.
i miss it

2 13

Draenei Lore Trivia: Fey Dragons.

In recent years it was discovered that Draenei actually used to breed and bond with Faerie Dragons in Shadowmoon Valley.

They would served both mounts and allies; though it's unknown what became of them on Draenor later on.

1 12

My black dragon OC, who was stuck on Draenor for a heckin' long time, and they are a big burly badass with a gentle puppy heart and a great love for orcs. <3

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