The Batman: The Animated Series episode "His Silicon Soul" debuted on this day (Nov. 20) in 1992. A gripping and beautifully animated season one outing, this "Heart of Steel" follow-up finds Batman face-to-face with his H.A.R.D.A.C. duplicant!

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I have drawn some (not yet all ) of the duplicants of my ONI streams. I will draw more, even if the duplicant is gone Q u Q

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thanks for coming to the stream!

the reveal of Smort Beri™️! but i still wasnt smart enough to keep 2 of my duplicants from dying in oxygen not included...

stay worm and safe (and fed!)

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Thank you for all the amazing art you've done.

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a new ONI short starring my fav Duplicant aND finally getting these socks? YEESSSS!!

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Less than a week left to back the biopunk thriller Duplicant Issue 5 Kickstarter plus catch-up on Issues 1-4!

created this gorgeous piece depicting Ava and Robert. 🤩

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Friendly Duplicant reminding you to review your Twitter settings

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2. Oxygen Not Included


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Hello beautiful NFTers!!! The auction for our second collaboration piece is over, thank you for all the love, retweets and support. Our third and final piece from the Fracture Duplicant series will be out next week. Expect the unexpected. and ♥️

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Today's the big day!! DUPLICANT is in stores.

Who owns your organs? ☠🫁☠🫀

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Mariah is the illustrator on my kids book about a inventor, and she's done numerous pieces for Duplicant including the variant cover for Issue 2. I love her style!

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Fantastic artist that's been getting alot of well deserved attention. Saly did a piece for my comic Duplicant and will be doing a variant cover for Issue 5! Check her out!!

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CRITIQUING COMICS: The maker of synthetic organs wields the power - especially if the patient can't pay. Writer and Tim talk about Duplicant, by Karla Nappi Marianna Strychowska,

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Trust Regenerist. We Give You Back Your Life.

Get the comic book series called "..a unique world that makes you want to stay in as readers."

Final 6 Days of Visit

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Happy Monday, folks! Today I’d like to share two character portraits by moi! Made in support of Karla Nappi’s biopunk comic ‘Duplicant’!

Feel free to support her Kickstarter so they can continue to make this incredible book (link in the feed).

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Meet Sean. Head of Regenerist Tech's police force. Loving husband to Tommy, and his girls Marigold and Margaret. Devout Catholic. And a total badass. Check out Duplicant now!

Art by 984

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