(а, ну и, конечно же, его стадии развития: от скетча до полноценнки):

1 4

Кто это такой нехороший, занимается проработкой дизайна персонажей собственных фанфиков вместо долгов? Конечно же, Булка, кто же ещё

1 2

Some of the brainstorming concept art for a player character helped draft up for our bird game project. Which one is your favorite?

5 11

Found this in my sketchbook folder? It's part of a bg that i had to drop cuz it was overcomplicating the piece, but its cool? Its like a crystal city growing out of a giant tree

0 0

Lovely.png - January 6th, 2019
Sacky_Concept_Art.png - January 2nd, 2019
The_Three_Thieves.png - January 4th, 2019

wow Sacki remains largely the same

0 2

Some concepts for experiments in Sanity Within Dystopia I showed the stream today, so I thought I'd share. Some may or may not be used or recycled.

1 11

Eu notei que eu nunca postei só o Demro pra vcs verem ele! Tá aí ele!
Esse é um sketch pra do meu jogo!!

Demro é um oc do

Ps: esse é o pincel que eu fiz, sintam orgulho de mim pfv, obg

📸: https://t.co/48Jl0y5HxO


12 29

Heyy long time no see, just some
Qilin sketches for new illustration tomorrow! Maybe.. o_o

4 20

I don't normally draw sci-fi stuff, but I enjoyed this :D might push the junkyard concept at a later date bc it's funky

1 7