exit!f is sending all his support to alive :D
alive created by

2 17

Brexit farming policy explained...
They had absolutely 'no idea' what was going to happen.

Another cartoon from 5 years ago...

48 109

Is hungry in imperial different to hungry in metric?

651 1698

Dave Brown's cartoon, with huge apologies to – political cartoon gallery in London https://t.co/dePcTdnXF6

15 30

...and sometimes there is no light at the end of a tunnel...

12 35

映像制作のEXIT FILMさま() のマスコットキャラクターのモニターモンスターくんとカメラ犬を描かせて頂きましたっ 世の中の悲しみに涙する優しさが込めてあります。悲しく優しい素敵なEXITFILMさまの映像を是非是非っ

16 84

Brian Adcock: May and Corbyn might work on that deal and come to some hideous arrangement. - political cartoon gallery in London https://t.co/dePcTdnXF6

14 18

Seems like a good day to repost this drawing I did of Boris 'The Toad' Johnson...

3 4

Villains of Brexit Boris 'The Toad' Johnson

5 7