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#Professionals, si voleu dotar d'una nova dimensió la comunicació de les col·leccions patrimonials, en els models 3D trobareu un gran aliat que afavoreix la comprensió i fomenta l'interès per la visita.
Us esperem al programa #Giravolt3D: https://t.co/5VIJtyXzMT
Si estàs fent recerca, els models #3D poden ajudar-te a fer hipòtesis sobre #PatrimoniCultural que ha patit pèrdues parcials o, fins i tot, totals.
El programa #Giravolt3D integra aquestes dinàmiques, informa't aquí: https://t.co/5VIJtyXzMT
#SketchfabFriday #MuseTech #EdTech
#Giravolt3D impulsa iniciatives que tenen com a objectiu reconstruir i documentar peces patrimonials que han patit pèrdues o dispersió de les seves parts.
Si vols emprendre un projecte similar posa't en contacte amb nosaltres. 📲https://t.co/5VIJtyXzMT
#SketchfabFriday #MuseTech
@DestinysFallen @nhagemann52 @rosethatsme1 @LadyBlackTear @wolfpacksande @DeannGoss @REDVAMPIREWOMAN @goodenough_fu @AvijitNo @LuisLuiskiss1 @CristianASegui1 @grants4usa @DarkArtSAMAEL @bourbon19752019 @MVereshchagin @RaiderXman @PaulHar73659277 Happy #FabFriday to you and all, thanks Athena 🌹💫🤎
#pattern of the day #kites
#Fridays #FridayFeeling #FabFriday #FridayThoughts #FridayMotivation #FridayVibes Have a great #Friday
#design #digitalart
@BlankPetra @nhagemann52 @REDVAMPIREWOMAN @rosethatsme1 @wolfpacksande @LadyBlackTear @DeannGoss @grants4usa @LuisLuiskiss1 @CristianASegui1 @Dzsozi22 @AvijitNo @MVereshchagin @RaiderXman @PaulHar73659277 @SJBlueravens @bourbon19752019 @GtcGerardo @DarkArtSAMAEL @Delilahsulliv10 @AnnaKoussertari @heiba_amr @goodenough_fu Thanks Petra. Hope you're all having a #FabFriday
@BlankPetra @nhagemann52 @rosethatsme1 @LadyBlackTear @REDVAMPIREWOMAN @grants4usa @LuisLuiskiss1 @wolfpacksande @moonwitch2 @RaiderXman @AvijitNo @Dzsozi22 @MVereshchagin @goodenough_fu @orphe666 @CristianASegui1 @PaulHar73659277 @GtcGerardo @AnnaKoussertari @DarkArtSAMAEL @Delilahsulliv10 @DeannGoss @heiba_amr Beautiful Petra, thanks.
I 🖤 Anne Stokes's Artwork.
Enjoy a #FabFriday Everyone. 💙❄🌟🦉🌟❄💙
@DestinysFallen @nhagemann52 @rosethatsme1 @LadyBlackTear @REDVAMPIREWOMAN @grants4usa @LuisLuiskiss1 @wolfpacksande @moonwitch2 @RaiderXman @AvijitNo @Dzsozi22 @MVereshchagin @goodenough_fu @orphe666 @CristianASegui1 @PaulHar73659277 @GtcGerardo @AnnaKoussertari @DarkArtSAMAEL @Delilahsulliv10 @DeannGoss @heiba_amr Thanks Athena, enjoy a #FabFriday everybody 🌹
#pattern of the day - #Fridays #art
#Friday #FunFriday #FabFridays #fantasticFriday
#bright #colours
#design #digitalart
#pattern of the day - #SummerSolstice
#FridayThoughts I hope you all have a great day on the #longestdayoftheyear #sun #freshair #fabfriday #funfriday #FridayFeeling
#pattern of the day - sun
I hope you are having a #fabfriday
Enjoy #halfterm if you have next week off!
#FabFriday dumping some screenshots of my most rewarding and favorite @Sketchfab projects from this year! Check them out online at https://t.co/oWHGX9C8rN
#b3d #RenderedWithSketchfab #mograph #vfx #3D #gif #loop
#pattern of the day - croc
*Enjoy!* :D