Hot off the presses! Read our 2022 annual report to learn about what we've accomplished and where we are headed:

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🧵2. The cataloguing data and art history behind this tomb guardian below.

Newly minted they will be in their most dynamic state. With each passing month, a gradual erosion from our memories unless transferred into another wallet.

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Join us next Tuesday for an livestream about making waterlines in

⏰ Tues 27 July 5pm (UTC+1)

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☺️ It's been such a treat to talk to families trying out Ashmolean Adventure, our new multimedia guide today. So good to reconnect with our audience IRL!

Excited for Day 2 tomorrow🤪

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Si estàs fent recerca, els models poden ajudar-te a fer hipòtesis sobre que ha patit pèrdues parcials o, fins i tot, totals.

El programa integra aquestes dinàmiques, informa't aquí:

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impulsa iniciatives que tenen com a objectiu reconstruir i documentar peces patrimonials que han patit pèrdues o dispersió de les seves parts.
Si vols emprendre un projecte similar posa't en contacte amb nosaltres. 📲

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Physical consequences of resigning from DIA:
-No more taquicardia attacks (happened almost daily in my last couple of months employed
-No more insomnia
-I wake up rested, not scared
-No more random tears
-No more fatalistic anxiety episodes
My body is thankful ❤️

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Here’s a sneak peek of work in progress at on 3D models of our collection, for our ship model project funded by

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Check out the 2.0 version of and I's survey of open access policies in the GLAM sector:

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Avez-vous déjà vu une robe faite de technologie « prête-à-porter » ? Nos visiteurs et visiteuses pourront bientôt interagir avec celle-ci dès le 10 décembre dans notre expo Cheminements : les droits au Canada depuis 150 ans.

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