Ok my lovely peeps. Tis happening! I am going to get 5 notepad designs (plus the pavlova but can only upload 4 pix to a tweet) from my 2022 art.
Final opinion sought before I blow my savings on paper - dotted + line and line or just dots? or a combo across them?

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Sooo I would love opinions for selection of which 2022 to be my next three sets of notepads (to the right is two of last years)

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seventh slice. Black Forest Cake and a European species: Myotis bechsteinii. This has been one full week of fat bats. Given last year my "week" involved ten bats this may not yet be over for the year...

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Fifth serve for is a Parfait paired with a Chaerephon chapini. I'm running a little behind from yesterday so you *may* get second dessert in a few hours. We'll see if I sugar crash or not. Shout out to and - more inspiring batty peeps.

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Third slice of for day three Phoniscus papuensis, a gold tipped (spider-eating) bat, checks your pavlova for possible eight legged interlopers.
Giving a shout out to , , and today - keep inspiring wonderful peeps.

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Night 2 of and on the menu is Esterházy torta requested by and a Probiscus Bat (Rhynchonycteris naso) for making a marbly patterned pair.
Support and delight in microbats! They're so Nifty!

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You can see last years Confection & Chiroptera under the tag here and on Insta. Also how has it been an year already?!?

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All those bat peeps who enjoyed my designs:
I've got note pad designs on my mind!
Do I burn my bank account to the ground for a 3rd design?
Do I go with a NZ short tailed
NZ and Aussie ecology buffs: interested in chiroptera stationary?

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Seba's short-tailed bat brunching on lolly bananas. Ok lovely This is the final bat from me for 2021 - 10th days - A full week. I have more bat art planned but confection & is wrapping its leathery wings & hibernating til 2022

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8th offering -an Epauletted Bat about to stuff its face with Halawa simsim (a Southern Sudanese sesame sweets). This one is dedicated to - whos fantastic photos fed my love of bats early on

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Another delivery! The deliciously colourful Honduran Bat... I've just realised I could have done Duran lolly pun (though they don't coexist). Thank you to everyone following for & retweeting these! This one is for , just coz.

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continues with a Long-eared Pipstrelle lapping up Licorish allsorts. Ears up as it is actively listening. Look up and boggle at the sheer quantity of insects bats eat in a night! Chuck out your pest sprays and invest in tree crevices and bat boxes!

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continuing a pace! Ghost bats are Australia's largest microbat, stunning & carnivorous. has done some awesome research on their social vocalisations. Lolly frogs are wonderfully chewy - a real Macroderma gigas would infinitely prefer a mouse.

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Another offering; Hipposideros fulva about to nick pistachios from atop Gulab Jamun. These bats are actually insectivorous and have the most adorable little nose dishes that aid in echolocation.

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