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Evony "Shepard" Hawke

Yes I fusion danced Mass Effect femShep with DA2 femHawke (art by @/ticcytx)

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I joined an ancient fandom oops- Merrill x FemHawke for you owo
(fenris x hawke is in the making) 🥺🥺#DragonAge

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23. Wound

"My little girl has become so strong. I love you. You've always made me so proud."

The deepest wounds are not at all on the body.

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At this point I'm convinced DA2 is just one long Psych episode 😂

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Hawke is tired and simply wants Meredith and Orsino to FuCk OfF

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The Spike meme kept reminding me of Fenris so screw it, memeing hours are now. Also with my Hawke, Kota.

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The result of me watching Scrubs clips at two in the morning... 😂

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