Sure! My little DnD girls!
My Ferya Firebeard, a female-beared dwarf monk and Lindórië Faebella, a female elf druid.

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The dwarf parent has geometric patterns cut into their beard. This is something I Imagine some clans like to do and the different patterns mean different things. Here's another concept featuring this, she's supposedly a young Firebeard princess

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Mis dos OCs de la actual campaña de D&D que estoy jugando con mis colegas. Empecé siendo la elfa Lindórië Faebella y ahora soy Ferya Firebeard, una enana con barba :D
Espero que te gusten :D

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Commissi0n for an irl friend of her and her partners DnD charters! Firebeard the Barbarian and Petra the Sorceress 💖

7 13

I love painting dwarven ladies so here's another exploration of a Firebeard dwarrowdam

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¿Quieres que saquemos este diseño en camiseta? Diseño en concurso "Blue" by Firebeard

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Darth Maulien by Firebeard

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