alfred firemblem and tsukasa prsk are the first characters i thought of reading this

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I'm not even going to start on the clothing design gymnastic that is trying to figure out Chrom's outfit


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Last pic for 2022 (is still 31th here!)
Hope you all had a nice christmas, and happy new year! <3

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thank you to the absolute unit who commissioned a feral camilla, i had so much fun drawing this!!

12 43

Oops, I almost forgot! Happy Birthday Leo HAHAHAHAHA 😂🏳️‍🌈🎁🎉🎉🎉

3 8

Also a summer Byleth I drew for a huge Smash collab on Instagram! You can find the artists there under the tag smashcollab2022 💚#byletheisner

7 17

cringe boy and the girl boss bff.....throws up in the bushes over firemblem ocs

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I finished my heart button! I will be selling it for this weekend!

It's an online con, so be sure to check out the discord :>

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