Tonight on the Wonder Bread Years, Actor and Director Fred Sandwich stars!

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This series is a slice of Ai-mericana I call "Bald White Guy with a Beard"

Slight departure from the vibe yesterday, but I don't shy away from new vibes

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Amazing new painting “Joker” by Omar Shelleh now available as prints, to order call in at Wolfgang Wolfgang Webster Gallery Cheadle Hulme or ring us on 0161 488 4889

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A new weekly will celebrate women creating positive change. She Loves., was created by - a company which makes content and runs events.

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Finally it’s veggie time 🙌 This was such a joy to put together, so I think I need to draw more vegetables soon 😂🥦

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Pirms kāda laika Francijā 🇫🇷saasinājās konflikts starp vegāniem un miesniekiem, gaļas tirgotājiem. Tur notika uzbrukumi vairākiem gaļas veikaliem, kuriem tika izsisti logi un tie notraipīti ar mākslīgajām asinīm.

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First time I've seen a eat a salad. Had to sketch it! .

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