Stills from the 1990s-era lost media "MYXOMAGRIZER", an extremely violent and disturbing OVA in the vein of Genocyber, Guyver, Violence Jack, etc. It supposedly features the titular Myxomagrizer (1) defending an unnamed city from Zoonotoids (2, 3) with its "Bio-Partner", Aiko (4)

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Special guest Stephen (alumnus of the MD Geist, Harmageddon, and Ai City podcasts) joins once again to review another Koichi Ohata joint: the infamous Genocyber!

Available for $5 patrons.


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po ta legal. talvez vc ache isso pq vc desenha os personagens com rosto menor e olhos maiores. lembra um pouco evangelion.
se vc quiser puxar mais pra 90 talvez tentar imitar o visual dos boneco do genocyber/md geist/mad house

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My big inspiration for creature designs are Tetsuo, Meatball Machine and Genocyber.

You will see more incarnations of these things in Hakaizon Alternative. Hope you will enjoy the ride.

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...and some Elaine from Genocyber for good measure.

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I blame a particular animator from the 1st episode of Genocyber for getting me into drawing chompers. X3
Flat anime teeth became lame after I saw this and I really started to appreciate whenever an artists takes time to draw teeth well.
They add so much to the expressions!

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First anime: Pokémon
Last anime: One Punch Man
Best anime: Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
Worst anime: Genocyber

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What do Redo of Healer and Healin' Good Pretty Cure have in common?

Besides being nothing alike, it's that Koichi Ohata (大畑 晃一), the creator and director of MD Geist and Genocyber, did storyboarding for both shows.

Oeuvres in the anime industry can be wild, for certain.

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fucked up in the crib thinkin bout genocyber

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é isso a história vai chamar genocyber, vai ser postada lá no wattpad e talvez essa capa seja melhorada umas 10x até a adaptação
só vamo

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I feel like Genocyber could’ve been a really good sci-Fi/ horror anime, if it didn’t move at a breakneck speed.

There was an interesting story, but the execution ultimately failed.

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¡Bon día a la Vila del Pingüí!
Ahora me he puesto con GENOCYBER y con ZETMAN ✌

(Por si alguien se lo pregunta: Estoy viendo todo esto en el Youtube)

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Read / watch Genocyber,thank.

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Art trade with !! Was fun drawing Genocyber

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One of my favorite character designs from an old trashy anime.

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