The latest (12Z) HWRF and HMON runs show an absolutely RIDICULOUSLY intense post-tropical hurricane hitting on Saturday at 6 AM.
914 mbar? That would be the strongest landfalling extratropical storm anywhere in the WORLD.

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The 00z HWRF has as a Category 3 major hurricane directly over Sable Island, Nova Scotia on Saturday morning.

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The HWRF did the thing

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Fresh HWRF run...similar to GFS with as a tropical storm near Block Island Sunday afternoon

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The match between the 0z HWRF and the current satellite of is astounding. This model run eventually shows Fred's pressure plunging to 970 mb and winds reaching ~80 mph. This lag of wind speeds suggests intensification up to landfall, perhaps rapid.

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is now a hurricane, having undergone borderline rapid intensification in the last 24 hrs despite moving at 25 kts & facing ~20 kts of shear. Certainly didn't see this coming!

It's also concerning to see some of the really aggressive HWRF runs from yesterday verifying 😬

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HWRF isn't letting go of the potential for a severe hurricane to impact the Caribbean around Independence Day

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Typical HWRF again, but we will see.

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Latest HWRF just out for Hurricane Zeta:

Showing 85kt at landfall near New Orleans, right in line with the latest NHC forecast. Still expect it will be a Cat 2 at landfall, but it's good to prepare for a borderline Cat 3 given

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In exactly three days from now, here's what the HWRF model says a Hurricane Laura could look like as it's approaching the Gulf Coast.

I'll say it very simply: Laura poses a potentially catastrophic threat to the Texas and Louisiana coast.

Watch this storm very closely.

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12Z update on now a typhoon at 70 knots. 72 hr forecasts from and are showing
super making landfall in North Korea, South Korea, or just west of North Korea border with China. Must continue to monitor this historic storm.

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06Z HWRFのFT87で知床半島でものすごいフェーン現象が計算されてるんだけど、モデルの問題なのか、環境場がこの通りになれば本当にこうなるのか、どっちなんだろう

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Won’t lie, the HWRF did a fairly good job at forecasting this convection burst, in fact, it looks almost like a spitting image tho smaller. Let’s see how it performs on the rest of the night.

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A quick look at yesterday´s (12z) HWRF simulated IR shows that it accurately predicted the convection associated with vortmax. This specific run also keeps offshore Tabasco/Veracruz and it strengthens significantly in the model. Watching for short-term trends

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The 12z HWRF takes Invest 91B in the Bay of Bengal and intensifies into a solid category 5 cyclone with a pressure near 900mb by next Wednesday. A lot of potential with this one given the very warm water temps.

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