For what may be the last on Twitter, large vertical structures interpreted as lungfish burrows from Catskill Fm. (Late Devonian) in Pennsylvania: L -> R: burrow tops; lateral view of burrow fill; illustration of burrow forms & lungfish in mucus cocoon.

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Thanks for that info & perspective on Troodon egg clutches, Lee! Also intrigued by Troodon ground-nest structure made around egg clutch (L), & contrasting it with sauropod nest structure (R), which you & related to digging by sauropod rear feet.

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As for mating trace fossils, for 'Dinosaurs Without Bones' I illustrated possible (speculative) diagrams of track patterns representing such behaviors in theropods (L) & sauropods (R), in which the beasts with 2 backs would result in 4 & 6 tracks. 2/2

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FASCINATING: "The team examined 528 fossil skull bones of Albertosaurus, Gorgosaurus, and Daspletosaurus, documenting a total of 324 scars."

(#paleoart by )

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Finally finished writing draft of a trace fossil manuscript that's been in process since the Early Jurassic. Many thanks to for his discovery of the trace fossil, contributions to the manuscript, & patience with the process. Almost there!

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Whew! Just did my first live online lecture in the Southeastern Section meeting. Finished at ~19 minutes (20 minute limit), so glad I cut a few slides earlier today. Thanks to the 25 folks who were "there" for it. What was my talk about? of course.

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In my 'Great Books of the Geosciences' class this a.m., we'll start considering the last book of the semester, 'Ichnology of New England,' a mid-19th century report by Edward & Orra Hitchcock on tracks from the Connecticut River valley. for the win!

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My top 3 dream fossil discoveries? Trace fossils I'd love to find:
3. Azdarchid (big pterosaur) take-off tracks.
2. Ring of small-mammal skeletons lining a nest.
1. Dinosaur mating traces, which I imagined & drew for my book 'Dinosaurs Without Bones' (2014).

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tracksite hit the news wire in a big way in 2014 (CNN just one example). Perot paleo led to two public exhibits, the hadrosaur families in mural on display at Murie Science and Learning Center (mural by Karen Carr), and interactive exhibit

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A bit of urban ichnology for Escape shafts of the freshwater mussel Pelecypodichnus and other traces in a Carboniferous gritstone kerbstone located on a flight of steps in Macclesfield.

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Hard to pick a favorite artwork in the stunning 'Picturing the Past' exhibit at , but my thematic fave was Davide Bonadonna's 'One Step Beyond,' with its depiction of a Saurolophus track with a crushed Tarbosaurus skull as part of it.

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Comparisons of sauropod feet and tracks, like , show that the feet had huge fleshy pads in back!

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"#Pteraichnus Road", nueva entrega de Escasas Reflexiones en Godzillin

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