Just a random pinup I did of Blu.
This is going to be my last post and I'll be posting again on my birthday.

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Vlad just laying back and relaxing.

I'm back with some more art, not my best but I still like how this one turned out.

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Monroe's Halloween costume is a sort of slightly futuristic pirate costume. Also I drew a werewolf version.

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Vlad, drawn in a random angle I've never drawn before. So if stuff looks off that is why.
Not my best but I had some fun drawing this.

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Since I'm kinda going through a bit of an art block I drew something simple, a icon for myself.

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I kinda had fun with this, had to redraw some of it but I still like it nonetheless. Also included a not so heavily filtered version.

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Here's the finished piece. I'm super surprised that I was able to draw a pose this well. The 2nd image has a blueish filter that enhances the glow.

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A really rough sketch of a complete redesign of one of my ocs. I'll fix most of it in Ibis Paint. The 2nd image is their original design.

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