# 日本一周 イラスト ゆるいイラスト 宇都宮 餃子 ご当地グルメ oc 2022artsummary japan 門司港 おいでよ北九州 門司港移住 mojikotrip もじこうとりっぷ 恋人の聖地 drawing illustration digitalart kumamoto miyazaki kagoshima envtuber artstream travelillustration adventure cybeleillustration illustrationart travelart digitalillustration travel 湘南 大磯 大磯町 ペン画 水彩画 風景画 landscapepainting japaneselandscape watercolor onsen hotsprings hotspring ryokan spa nature trip sauna japantravel relax hokkaido hakone travelgram japanesefood instagood tokyo ilovejapan art hotel onsenhotpools hot mature 可爱过敏原 fanart procreate 日光旅行 コミックエッセイ comicstrip イラスト好きな人と繋がりたい illust japanese 心の時 タイムボカン 日本の四季 白木蓮 日本の風景 新潟市 新潟市北区 ファインダー越しの私の世界 ファインダーは私のキャンパス 写真の奏でる私の世界 写真は心のシャッター 写真好きな人と繋がりたい カメラのある生活 ていねいな暮らし 私の花の写真 はなまっぷ photo_shorttrip japanfinder bestphoto_japan japanesetrain 紫陽花 鎌倉 長谷寺 長谷寺の紫陽花 夏至 息抜き お散歩 散策 green ocean kamakura hydrangea happy summer solstice vacation photo photography photographer coregraphy archillect カメラ好きな人と繋がりたい キリトリセカイ picture a6500 instapic landscape 東京



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Oh right, I will go to Kumamoto! (4/4)

Kumamoto has a local character called "Kumamon" that is loved by all of Japan. You would be very lucky to meet him in Kumamoto!

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Oh right, I will go to Miyazaki! (4/4)

Hyuganatsu is slightly larger than mandarin and has a yellow surface. It has a more acidic and refreshing taste than mandarin.

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Oh right, I will go to Kagoshima! (5/6)

Please try Kagoshima Wagyu beef! I bought Kagoshima Wagyu beef at a shop called "Kanda". very delicious!

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I hope to see you all there ;w;
Retweets really appreciated!! (sorry for asking so many times)

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Also, maybe the grotesqueness, like H.R. Giger's, is part of the beauty.

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The worldview of the religious decorations and the harmonious blend of inorganic and organic objects is beautiful and celebrates an inexplicable fascination.

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Every day I think back to our trip to Japan. Each day we experienced new and incredible things, from the arcades in Akihabara (Tokyo), to the tranquillity of Nara Park (Kyoto) and all the delicious food in between.

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