Kirby x Donbrothers Icons - 3
(カービィ x ドンブラザーズ - アイコン版シリーズ)

Jiro Momotani [Normal Jiro & Dangerous Jiro]
桃谷ジロウ [普通ジロウと闇ジロウ]

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桃谷ジロウ+追加戦士の衣装チェンジシリーズ - 2
Kou(吼新星・コウ)/Kibaranger from Dairanger(ダイレンジャー)

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Colors are coming on STRONG here. Thanks, Twitter recommendations--

Practice doodle from this morning. I love 'em fiercely beautiful BnHA gals. 🛐💖

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don’t break the chain
☆彡 lockscreen
☆彡 home screen
☆彡 last song you listened to?
☆彡 35th photo in ur gallery
☆彡 4 moots

Obvio tenía que estar Jiro y haber JiroMomo jejejeje

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KrBk Artist and Musician AU ♫

♫ No Quirks
♫ Everyone is around 20
♫ Mainly KrBk
♫ Seroroki, Kamishin, Jiromomo
and Izuocha Sideships

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Here's a jiromomo I did for a zine that didnt rly happen :"D

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