[EN Version]
Artist's Comment: "Kanna... you're going to let me eat katsudon...!"


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Aún no leí los otros episodios del acto 3 así q no t puedo decir mucho más pq eso es masomenos todo lo q se pero tmb ayudo a madoka a comenzar a llevarse mejor con su hermano, misumi !! Son muy lindos
Btw m equivoque no es katsudon, es curry con croquetas

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Miku eating katsudon

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at first he is only in charge of washing veggies and putting the rice cooker on but eventually he grows into bein pretty competent!! Its no kacchan katsudon but listen he is malewife material

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sonny’s dream voice pack lol

🔗: you made this katsudon for me? you went through the trouble of learning the recipe? tysm
🔗: oh wtf the pork is undercooked can you throw this out and try again?


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I'm Katsudon and I like drawing girls with attitude and cute poke boyos. 💜

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Omg this sounds super fun! I'll leave my dragon boy Cadhan for assumptions~💕 left art is from 12NM on DA and right is Katsudon_K on insta 💖

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Whaa! He's super happy now! Katsudon!!

Look at that face! ^^

After he eats will be bath time! :D

💧📝 https://t.co/NT53nJUI5N

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I don't have the time to make new art for Yuuri's birthday, but here's an oldie but a goodie (goldie?) for him! Because he deserves it!!! Happy birthday to our fav katsudon 🥰

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. 『カツ丼をむさぼるクレオパトラ。服がはじけ飛ぶ。good anatomy. Good pose. Good katsudon』

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. 『脳にカツ丼を移植された男』
(Man with a katsudon implanted in his brain)

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. 『勝利のカツ丼)』
((Victory katsudon))

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J'te fais ma recette de Katsudon pour l'occaz

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