¡Buenas tardes! Kanjuro está almorzando arroz, ¡y parece que Kinemon le ha dejado tener extra de lechuga! Aunque hay alguien al que parece no gustarle demasiado la mezcla…

3 6

Oh, my love, with you I've never once had to pretend a thing...

I love them so much... so, so much...

also I struggled to draw Kanjuro's clothes so uh... Clothes? Who needs them? Not Kanjuro ahaha...

1 5

Buenas tardes. Kanjuro y Kin’emon están muy ocupados preparándose para el día de Reyes. ¡Todo por Momonosuke!

5 13

Kinemon & Tsuru

20 67

-OKIKU, mi novia, guapísima la amo
-Kinemon, el maestro de los planes
-Y 50/50 entre Shinobu y Kawamatsu

0 1

Tw: Blood , Injuries in the face
Kinemon from one piece ep. 1015




เห็นว่าแสงมันดูวาดยากดีก็เลยวาดดู อ้อหอ ยากจริง ยากแบบตอนนี้สมองโล่งเลย น้อตติ้งอินมายเบรน 😂

7 22

The return of the pirates, along with learning that Kinemon managed to completely misinterpret the plan was so so good.

Having some levity after all of the gutpunches was definitely needed.

0 0

One Piece Mural Art!

Fox Fire Kinemon Cuts his way

13 18

🔵 Change of hearts

Sanji and luffy seem to share the same kind of powers. Through his food and kindness, sanji was able to turn a lot of enemies into allies. His actions led to

🔵Mr2 saving luffy in impel down
🔵Kinemon change of hearts when it comes to pirates

0 19

DAY 33:
Fujitora kills Kinemon
-144 characters left-

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