Up next, mono-prints!
✅ 2-colour sliced kiwi 🥝 on book pages.
✅ Pineapple 🍍on masking tape and acrylic.
✅ Chocolate Eclair on diffused dyes.
✅ Biscuit in black on white card.

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Looking for resources to support your teaching? Visit our website for our top tips & activities designed to help students develop their academic writing, find & evaluate resources and spot

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Visit our Study Skills website https://t.co/YjuoVZGEw5 to develop your academic skills and become an independent researcher. We have also updated our subject specific resources guide to make it easier to find free online resources for your area of study!

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Connect to our Symposium speakers. Tweet your question by MONDAY Feb 18th with and you could win $500 USD. Moderator and speakers for this session are: , Laura MacCleery of Kei Koizumi and Shirley Malcom of https://t.co/B54XV2XDHg

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Connect to our Symposium speakers. Tweet your question by MONDAY Feb 18th with and you could win $500 USD. Moderator and speakers for this session are: Cary Funk Max Boykoff and https://t.co/B54XV2XDHg

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「砕け散る瞬間 僕らは、」pv

試し読みはマンガワンアプリもしくは→ https://t.co/AQfJv9x3Aj
12/12単行本発売→ https://t.co/n0q2xs0jqi砕け散る瞬間-僕らは、(1)-裏少年サンデーコミックス-イズミハルカ-ebook/dp/B07KS5Y711

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