If was under US security rules he'd be in prison by now for promoting bitcoin or any investments. They have laws against that.

47 81

QP is on now and, honest to God, besides that voice, I cannot listen to lie to Canadians anymore. He's a misogynist and a liar and nothing will change those facts. Even more disturbing is seeing the women in his caucus applaud the weasel.

386 1176

You are pushing the idea that uneducated ppl are experts. When I say uneducated, I mean those w/o that area of expertise thru edu & work experience.
Do you hear yourself? You are sounding just like Trump. You are a dangerous politician,

26 83

Glen Le Lievre
Cartoonist and illustrator.
Patreon: https://t.co/8e8z256jsA
Website: https://t.co/ZXvqIN4CuO

🔸 'Smart Coal,' 21 Feb 2023. Glen Le Lievre, Patreon.

0 0

What Pierre Poilievre said about the mainstream media yesterday in a YouTube video was disgusting. It added to the threats and the harassment these journalists get on a daily bases and it further helps radical far right groups spread misinformation and hate. Shame on him.

465 1450

The CBC is doing what they should have been doing the minute you decided to run for leader which is call out your daily BS, your lies, misinformation and baseless accusations! You’re done Poilievre! DONE!

40 126

Saying Canada is broken is not the own that Pierre Poilievre thinks it is. If you have incompetent Conservative Premiers running most of the Country, it would be the Premiers fault as they run our health, Education, resources, drug reduction programs. Not Justin Trudeau.

280 807

No matter what lies Pierre Poilievre tries to sell us to appeal to Center Voters like me, We aren't brain dead and know who he is. He has shown that he has ties to groups that are anti women, anti LGBTQ2, anti immigration of non whites, and have tried to stage a coup in Ottawa.

280 921

The Pierre Poilievre Party has shifted so far to the right that there is no turning back. The freedumb convoy cost Canadians billions of dollars that could have been used for much better things like health care. Pee pee has yet to apologize.

96 260

Before Angus Reid poll: (Dec 2022)
Poilievre: "Uncle Steve, can I change the script now?"
Harper: "Just keep talking like I told you to."

Following Angus Reid poll:
Poilievre: Uncle Steve - what the hell do I do now?
Harper: Gimme a second to think about it.

7 31

More bull 💩 from Mr PM Trudeau is NOT banning Mr can you ever give the full truth or does your name say it all?

7 29

You’ve heard Poilievre’s talking points before—from that grifter con man down south. Not the most flattering style to emulate, but it sheds light on PP’s character.

635 1344