A cel setup from the episode “Texas.”

SUBMITTED BY: glurtzen

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the scorpion lurtz

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tw spiders

I legitimately dont know what it was about Shelob that I just adored as a kid but her scene with Frodo and Sam is still my favorite

my teratophilia really was ingrained from the beginning huh—
(also Lurtz, I really loved Lurtz too)

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Olvidé mostrar la commission que me pidió. Tarde un poco porque la depression me atacó varias veces 😎

El wapo de Acke es de él y rancio de Silas a Blurtz (jajan't no me acuerdo su Twitter)

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Here's another piece from my collection: Lurtz, the Uruk-hai 👹

Please don't tell him where the halfling is 🙏

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Made Lurtz for a character design challenge

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Submitted by glurtzen on the Discord Server

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🎬 Lawrence Makoare et Peter Jackson, une grande complicité. L’acteur néo-zélandais a joué plusieurs rôles dans la trilogie du Seigneur des anneaux. Il a incarné Lurtz l’Uruk-hai, le Roi-Sorcier d'Angmar mais aussi Gothmog. Dans Le Hobbit, il a interprété Bolg, le fils d’Azog.

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