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artist! sender lagi BU kalau open colored commission dengan style plus coloring seperti di bawah bust up start from 100k/chara kemurahan ga ya?? 😭 kalau oke dan ada yg minat atau mau offer nanti sender ketuk dm nya pengerjaan maks selesai sebelum natal 🙏
Buat yg mau dapat bonus card ini, minimal order 3rb yen dan klo bisa ikut yg besok pagi ya, maks jam 7 pagi karena mau dipesenin pas open.
Acrylic stand 2200 yen
Badge 550 yen
Clear Card 550 yen
Keychain 1300 yen
Puzzle 3000 yen
Pappe 1700 yen
Cup 3500 yen
Nekclace 9500 yen https://t.co/8CGwhUIWMX
tehe! gaisss na gaming cukup tak sampe 6 atau up lagi sampe level 9? sender gak niat crown jadi paling maks cmn lvl 9 aja :3
Ini kesayanganku, manisku, cowoku, pacarku, suamiku. Coba spill, kesayangan kalian itu? maks 3
😭❤️🥺😭❤️🥺😭😭😭😭😭🥺🥺🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹❤️❤️❤️❤️🫶🫶🫶🫶‼️‼️‼️‼️😭😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️ akU SALTING aku BILANGGG😭🫠☝️makasih…makasihhh..makasih lagi…😭lagi nyengir sprti orgil
Love language WoA ku lgsg melejit sampe maks HAHAHAHA😭❤️ seneng banget bacanyaaaa https://t.co/nb5XIPUpsk
Babu! Berhubung kemarin perayaan Big Brother Day di JP ( いい兄さんの日 ) ayo vote buat the best Onii-chan di Genshin, gais 🤣 boleh tulis di reply/qrt karena app edit foto sender maks 8 biji
sebuah headcanon kalo mereka berlima kumpul, jelas yang mabuk banget suga dan chikara. bedanya suga itu pemabuk ngerepotin (nyanyi, teriak, marah2, doing weird things) tapi kalo chikara paling maks bakal teriak2 ngeluh abistu pingsan. daichi bakalan mabuk (cont..)
WHISKEY GIRL's Ella & Maks were both born on #March31. They consider the coincidence a fun fact.Were you born on the same day as someone in your life & do you like it? #birthday #march31st #ella #maks #characters #novel #newadult #whiskeygirl #book #question #BookTwitter #booktwt
@Cardamomart I know I can ask for art anytime but I offer himb
(I’m sorry this is like the only art I have of Maks’ wolf form 😭)
every time i see the little pou face it maks me so happy i want to cry a little . pou why are you so happy i love you
halo, aku open komis khusus harga Indonesia nih~
revisi maks 3x, penambahan biaya diatas 3x
lama pengerjaan paling cepat 5 hari, paling lama 2 minggu atau tergantung antrian
another sample: https://t.co/B2ftBuVDPQ
DM me if you Excited ;)
I see lots of people use #transartists tag today so here's my contribution 👀
I'm Maks/Sal and I'm a transmasc illustrator from Poland! I mostly do commissions and fanarts (currently into Jojo)! ✨
[Misi! Naikkan kesan baik]
Yuk naikkan kesan baikmu di depan Papa Aderan!
Semakin kamu menaikkan kesanmu maka semakin banyak Cash yang kamu peroleh!
Sstt... Bisa dapat maks 300 Cash loh~
Yuk! Klik⮞https://t.co/3RZ75xU7iE
#Naikkankesanmu #KakaoWebtoon #TheStatusWindowtotheSoul
Opcom promoan gr2 ini urgent bgt guys...(nangis)
artstyle cimol kayak gini (halfbody) 30k per cimol.... mau tambah cimol? +25k/cimol.. maks 3 cimol per kanvas... payment bisa bca/jenius/gopay/spay :3
tos: https://t.co/lDRU5DY8EE
slotnya ada sampe duit cukup orz
Peeking YCH
5 slots only, IDR only
⊹Payment setelah sketsa(no refund)
⊹File dikirim via gdrive
⊹Sudah termasuk komersil
⊹Revisi maks 5x
⊹Pengerjaan 1-3 hari (tergantung kesibukan)
⊹Payment via Dana, BCA, Mandiri
Like and rt are appreciated <3
[DoodleDump] feat. The Puss in Boots, me with Jagger Raiden Ei style and my college friend Maks
@zonakaryaid Comms sheet aku blm di update lgi, tpi bisa, Nder, 50k utk personal, komersil biss didiskusikan lgi :D
Utk jmlh karakter gk ada maks ya, Nder :D