March31. The bday of the Uchiha’s last kunoichi & Boruto’s only ray of hope. With bein Hokage as her goal, will she abandon her shadow monarch Boruto in his time of need? Or suffer the effects of omnipotennce as foretold by Momoshiki? Only time will tell🔥

1 1

WHISKEY GIRL's Ella & Maks were both born on They consider the coincidence a fun fact.Were you born on the same day as someone in your life & do you like it?

0 1

I will draw your portrait in "kawaii☆kon".March31,April1,2 2023.
Come on!!
Booth No.601"Mayu Narazaki"

0 8


Thank you to everyone who has followed me to get me here, even though i'm on hiatus right now i'll still be hosting this raffle~

March 1st-March31 ♥ 2 Winners selected!
To enter please like/follow~!♥ Post your PNG for an extra entry!!💕💕

23 52

Gm twitter 🐣! This is a commission for a t-shirt that I did last year! It went SOLD-OUT in 4 days; I was SHOCKED !

1 5

Luigi: Don't take any second for granted.

Mario: Make the most of your time.

Memento Mario.

Unus Marius.

See you on the other side.

4 16

when is
Adiós Paisano! T me cuidas 👋😭

18 61

Time to say goodbye to Mario! 👋

593 5042

For others: April Fool
For Myanmar ppl: 2 months with coup

over 500 deaths & over 2000 detained citizens already & Itz not seriously a FOOL joke af.

Justice must prevail!
We must win!

2 7

Finally, that Italian bastard dies today. Now we can bring our full attention and appreciation towards Advance Wars!

0 0

The countdown has started. Some Mario games won't be available after tomorrow.

17 53

Luigi: We live our lives taking each second for granted.

Mario: But what would you do if you knew how much time you had left?

Only a few days left before we bid farewell to Mario... forever...

Memento Mario

Unus Marius

62 141