Na Inwoo and Song Hayoon are in talk to join Park Minyoung and Lee Yikyung in

Park Minyoung: Kim Jiwon
Lee Yikyung : Park Minhwan

Na Inwoo got offered as Yoo Jihyuk (Jiwon's boss, first male lead) and Song Hayoon get offered as Jeong Sumin (Jiwon's friend)

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Park Minyoung will play as Kang Jiwon in webtoon-based drama Marry My Husband!

Marry My Husband is a time slip revenge drama. Lee Yikyung is considering the role of Park Minhwan (Kang Jiwon husband).

Let's wait for the male lead role 😍

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Minhwan or Hanwool?

Judul gepeng Stud¥ Gr0up (ijo)

20 312

Study Group au
Phi Hanwool x Ma Minhwan

"Ma Minhwan."
"Ape jir"
"More like My Minhwan."
"Jauh2 lo dari gue jing"

0 1

Mengapa lebih seru liat gepeng minhwan sama soomin menderita daripada jiwon jihyuk bahagia ya 😔

9 182

cw spoiler (?)
Selamat pagi semuwah, ku hadiahkan wallpaper minhwan yang kece abiezz 😳💕💞✨💖💖💙💖✨💞💖

0 5

มามินฮวันเป็นแมว สำเนาถูกต้องค่ะ😌✅

9 27

Kata mutiara Minhwan adalah "BANGS*T" ✨ gepeng 5tudy 9roup

0 15


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“ยัยโอเมก้าหงส์ขาวลูกนอกสมรสคนนั้นไม่มีอะไรเหมาะสมกับพระองค์เลยสักนิดเดียว ทำไมถึงยังใฝ่หาแต่มันก็ไม่รู้”


//ผ่านมา60ปีแล้วดิที่ไม่ได้วาดนยอนแตน คถง่ะ 🥺
ถ้ามีใครคถงานเราสักคนก็คงดี 😳

254 78

narkoba? no, korupsi? no
ma minhwan no rekeningnya berapa?

17 67

Minhwan Ma from Study Group
He's a crazy gun-slinging asshole but he's cute, and also his fight with Geonyeob was sexy

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