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gets a solid 6/10...doesn't take itself seriously, chock full of gore & death & lots of fun!

0 0

Ok I got another question for you.

What's your brutally honest opinion on the movie below? Do you love it, hate it, or are you on the fence?

Polar Express (2004)
Dir. Robert Zemeckis

What do you think?

22 197

New Post!

Movie Reviews – Horror Films – Spooky Season Week, Day 4!


16 14

The gods are unleashed! Gods of Egypt (2016) reviewed on

THE RATING: 4.5/10
THE REVIEW: https://t.co/XuXOrhbpsM

0 1

Something's wrong with Stitch. Lilo & Stitch 2: Stich Has a Glitch (2002) reviewed on

THE RATING: 6.0/10
THE REVIEW: https://t.co/gdD2iMf1vE

0 0

I got to say, I was more entertained by this than I probably should have been...a review forthcoming

0 3

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness Directed by Sam Raimi Starring Benedict Cumberbatch,Elizabeth Olsen
is visually stunning but the film lacks the punch.

0 0

Put it on the Big Board, the break down Dr. Strangelove featuring George C Scott, Slim Pickens and Peter Sellers

Join us on Twitter, Facebook or at the link below on Youtube at 4 PM Pacific


11 18

Had a great set-up...blew-it. Antlers (2021) reviewed on

THE RATING: 4.5/10
THE REVIEW: https://t.co/sYyN7FRGsz

0 0

Stranger Things Beta Edition. A remastered (aka new pics) review of Super 8 (2011) on

THE REVIEW: https://t.co/7UQp1t9jcz

0 1

What did he see? A remastered (aka new pics) review of Deep Red (1975) on

THE RATING: 8.0/10
THE REVIEW: https://t.co/ychw9Sj5Jn

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