these little art beauties were made by children

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Wishing you all a Happy with my little fluffy 'Christmas Robin'. Take care and keep safe everyone it's chilly out there.

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As it is I thought I would share a couple of my Robin paintings, in pastels and watercolours.
I loved painting these little guys, the Robin is such a beautiful bird.

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As it's I thought I would post some Robins I've created this last year. The last image poses a question I ask myself repeatedly... Wishing you all a blessed solstice. Be safe, be kind, take care.✨

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A few snaps of our resident cheeky feathered friends!

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It's National robin day today, to raise awareness of how we can help our small birds during the winter months. Here's my little robin drawing. Ink pen and ink wash

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For why not check your Christmas cards - which way are the robins facing? Does the study in by Michael Reiss published online in 2010 still hold true?

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Hey! It's (somewhere) I'm a Robin \o/ Happy Robin Day to all Robins

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An illustration I did a few weeks back, Happy National Robin Day.

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A quick doodle to mark My dear old Mum's favourite- she's never happier than when there's a robin to have a chat with in her garden!

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A robin from the Archive for This lovely design featured on a card sent to staff in 1965.

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As it's I'll share my Robin Painting 'Coming Home For Christmas' painted in watercolours and pastels, in memory of my wonderful grandparents 💕

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Here's a robin I painted in oils - some people say that departed loved ones come back and visit us in the form of a bird or animal such as a robin - day 21 of 🦋😊☃️❄️🎄🎅🐦😀

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Here's one for our favourite feisty bird!

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Wishing everyone a Happy Holidays and a brighter New Year! 🎄❄️

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