The dark caster come by James Christopher Hill.

I shared a few neogothic images yesterday and they seemed quite popular.
It made me think that it might be useful to look at the four forms of art that are given the name " gothic".

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This is an image by Belgian born artist Toon Hertz who uses digitally manipulated images combining photography with illustration.

This is an example of what is known as "neogothic artwork"

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The sumptuous to Ester Piaggio, died at only 32, is a masterpiece of neogothic architecture. The lady -an allegory of history- wears a necklace made of stars (hope) and holds a broken pen (death). Its magnificence is a clear proof of how deeply this woman was loved.


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John Ruskin (English/1819-1900):Art Critic- Writer - Poet- Artist- Representative of Neogothic Style. Work: The seven lamps of Architecture.

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