ngl i nevver had a true age for smoke. zometimez i zee her az 20+, 15 (like me atm), ambiguouz, or ztraight up Agelezz

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i nevver finizhed thiz… here

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1 Tvvo ugly old guys fighting become I've dravvn enough pretty girls.

2 DONNY GARR!!! Playing him for SS13.
He respects vvomen by being condescending to them all the time

3 My SS13 friend's character, Kazuya!

4 Touched up the nevvest Charlotte Sugar design again.

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Hello everyone, 🎉Happy New Year 2023!!!🎉
May all your dreams come true and all your hopes be fulfilled! Happy New Year. I wish you happiness, good health and well-being from the bottom of my heart!

Nevven x alcoholrang

28 171

I found you under dark skies.
- Sabai, With Løve & Nevve, Falling For You

ⓒ 호님

8 42

stop!! before wwe wwatch the ending, did you knoww that less than 15% of you are subscribed to the channel? thats crazy! do yourselvves a favvour and hit that subscribe button, so you nevver miss out on more awwesome rainboww friends content... alright, back to the vvideo!!

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Venous System, Phoebe Nesgos

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butterflies symbolise rebirth, transformation, change, hope, and life….fitting for harbeest :)

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friend took an absolutely shocking photo of my dead on the couch following a night out so i made it my boys LOL. pietre and abel :)

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the 6th marked the two year anniversary of the "Battle against the Urtarasque" painting! so i did the Golden Beast im both it's normal colours and how it looked in the painting.

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The one you feed, John Wilde

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with the last of them! veiled lady, oystery, wrinkled peach, and lion's mane mushrooms! the veiled lady was the first fungyn i ever drew so it was nice to come full circle :)

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with the second to last set with the pretty fungi and last poisonous one! amanita, split-gill, plums and custard, podoserpula.

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poisonous week lot two! autumn skullcap, death cap, mycena rosea, and verdigris agaric.

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lot 4 with the last of the colourful week and the first of the poisonous week! poison fire coral, "little blue light" mycena, chanterelle, and turkey tail.

1 4

VALENTINES DAY CARDS because i really wanted to actually do some this year :) first 4 out of 8, other 4 are in replies!

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lot 3, with the start of colourful week! Parrot waxcap, Violet Coral, Amethyst Deceiver, and Blue Milk Cap.

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lot two! Candlesnuff, Bleeding Tooth, Cordyceps, and Mycena clorophus. with that spooky week is over, on to colourful week :)

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