|ホテルアンデルセンへようこそ HO1/Owner


57 431


0 20

Exciting news! The Line Art Curve Modifier just got even better! 😍 Now with enhanced depth line thickness, shadow infill controls, hatching options, line noise displacement, and more!


91 737

Liquid Glass - Just a quick and relaxing experiment testing some ideas in Blender's geometry nodes as well as light and shading (I love this transparent/reflection material)

0 8

Flora stk W.I.P (all I have to do is add flowers in her)
(Credits to everyone! Thank you!)
Character by

0 3

Some more geometry nodes screenspace effects experiments :)

0 35

Geometry nodes raycast-based screenspace outline test.

1 70

dropped some basic engine options in the ship generator and tweaked the shader a bit this morning. sorry for the double post. forgot to turn the sun on lol.

0 5


🏆3x NodeShark FREE NFT

Building AI-Powered Blockchain Visualization Tools For

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215 229

To be secure use generated RPC endpoints while traveling OMNIA is a untraceable nodes infrastructure build to keep privacy&security in supported
✅#NFTMinting in 24/04
✅#Token just after

0 0

Node RPC and Node Providers are the unsung heroes of the blockchain world. They enable seamless interaction with blockchain nodes, making it easy for developers to build decentralized applications without worrying about node infrastructure.

0 1

tried many variations & i think i found my flow. buildings are just planes acting as floor plans with procedural sidewalks, ledges etc. they sit on a ground plane which handles the road sys stuff based on intersecting buildings.

1 8

These are the individual colors of the Barracks.

Red people threw bombs and planted bombs.

Blue is nodes sending news

Green is a nurse.

Watercoloer is a sniper.

Yellow is a tank keeper.

8 20

Cooked some Stinky Noodles

Ok gn xd

7 54