I'm pretty sure these are all my tauren.

Tuchuk, Nohaloo, Siklyavtako and Zaine.

8 53


0 4

Little NH Jake! I might draw more of him.

29 215

not that it turned out the way I wanted, but yes. I love this angel.
(I just eventually realized that the wand is a little different.. ahh)

19 139

HERE'S THE OTHER LIL RASCAL HEE HEE. He has very big wings, so he often just hides them to save weight, which also helps him move much faster. he's a lil bit of a bragger.. oh n he likes scribbling on post-its. Mi-mi likes his handwriting :)

21 207

Y cagó.
Yo aqui probando programas de dibujo jjasjasjas.

128 914

Sometimes I'm really bad at it. But they are so adorable!
Cute characters belong to and

10 105

soooo remember the mentions of Pico's pets...? Yeah~ He's got a floppy eared, lovely doberman (very loud, yippy, def still a puppy) and a gorgeous void cat (can teleport, older). Both were strays taken under Pico... who knew such a big guy was a softie?#digitalart

9 76

*taps mic* m...mi..mica..h.. // augh fuck mm pretty boy, sweet smile, aaa gemtle lips *face smacks into desk*

26 199

tw for blood (if u squint hard enough) and eyes

Smh my head pico wash ur hands

um anyway
shading is hard
idk what I did I was improvising the entire time
And there’s just


cant wait for twitter cropping to screw me over ;D

4 29

Hate this is the first official colored art ive made of Micah. Anyways, when he buttons up his shirt 😳

6 98

¡Qué viva el amor!
Me dieron muchísimas ganas de probar los colores apagados ¿qué tal?

60 431

TW: Disturbing Imagery
So... those "tattoos" amirite.

8 65

CW: Blood on last slide
HEHEH DEMON PICO BRAIN ROT I need to draw Ru's angel beef sometime oml But here's the first time I actually drew him! (decided this is the tag cuz,,yes)

17 96

Technohalo supremacy ✊

//Warning, some blood

1 4

- day 7 || celebrity au

idol au wee woOOOOoOOO

28 70