Todd Lockwood. Elvish Pathcutter. Elf Scout. From Magic The Gathering: Fallen Empires. In harsh times, the strongest currency is cooperation.

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Todd Wills Lockwood - July 9, 1957 - Boulder, Colorado
An artist specializing in fantasy and science fiction illustration, best known for his work on Dungeons & Dragons, and for his covers for the books of R.A. Salvatore.

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I picked for my (He created artwork for

I chose to recreate the original painting in my own style as a (bottom half).

(15 hrs total)

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Should I start posting more art to Twitter? I haven't been super active and I miss getting the word out there about incredible artists... Like the man who got me into

"A Natural History of Dragons" by

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L'illustratore ci ha raccontato a le storie dietro i suoi personaggi, fino alla carriera di scrittore con la trilogia di Everdite

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