Guild Quests are here! If you haven't already, join a Guild to participate and earn some awesome rewards.


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Final Fantasy 8 Rinoa Heartilly fanart. She was my second video game girl crush, after Tanya from Command&Conquer

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HELL-o !
Cette semaine pas de ni d'anim, mais un peu d'illu perso! Je suis sur une petite série en ce moment.
Si je vous dis Rick Taylor?... Bon, et SPLATTER HOUSE ?

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Great to see you here!

We couldn't quite fit Venaitura into our RPGs roundup thread ( -- didn't want to overload it with jRPGs / retro games), but you've got such a great old school aesthetic!

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So we are gonna have our take 2 attempt at starting the Grim Fandango play through. Make sure you are there at 6pm GMT for the stream on and .

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Happy everybody! Wanted to take minute to introduce a new character, "Shroombie". :D I'm sure he'll keep Ellie on her toes! Happy dev'ing!

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