L to all transphobes. as an extension also huge L to homophobes, enbyphobes, and every other gender and sexuality phobe inbetween. y'all are weirdos, get a hobby.

to all others though you are all very cool and sexy and hi i hope you're having a nice day/night!

8 121

89e témoignage
tumblr : https://t.co/4E0ZE5Xjh3

TW transphobie -enbyphobie - autismophobie - validisme - dépression - mention de dysphorie

10 28

59e témoignage
tumblr : https://t.co/4E0ZE5WLrv

TW Enbyphobie Transphobie Homophobie Sexisme Validisme

13 37

Huh, ok

Anyways I am a nonbinary lesbian. I love women/nbys and animation of all kinds.
Oh and I do art (sometimes)
Follow me instead of this enbyphobe because I actually support our non aligned lesbians 🥰💖 https://t.co/gfOJM3tj2b

0 10

Bonne Journée internationale de la visibilité transgenre et non-binaire à toustes nos adelphes !

La lutte contre la transphobie et l'enbyphobie est quotidienne. Partout, nous devons continuer à agir pour que chacun•e puisse être soi, pleinement en sécurité et respecté•e.

2 4

Me in school vibing

my homophobic enbyphobic and transphobic classmates:
I'm such a better artist than you

3 15

Santa loves Pixel,I just had little time:] The palette is not completely according to my idea :/.This art is for my friend Andy Pang

1 13

soul eater //

rt to scare enbyphobes

63 126

tw // lesbophobia , enbyphobia

anyways look hesbian yang https://t.co/spq48iKtdf

3 23

Time to bust kneecaps of enbyphobic parents

0 1

Natalie, if you talked to people you disagreed with, you wouldn't screenshot the numerous trans and non-binary people who called you out for your toxic takes. You want your community to be afraid of them so they can be harassed for calling you out for your enbyphobia.

16 79

[À REDÉCOUVRIR] Le projet ReconnaiTrans s'attaque à la transphobie et l'enbyphobie. Nous avons rencontré son créateur.

7 4

[À REDÉCOUVRIR] [TW complets au prochain tweet]
Le projet ReconnaiTrans s'attaque à la transphobie et l'enbyphobie, venez le découvrir avec cette interview de son créateur !

4 6