Living here, we have these historic lessons, ourselves, that in tyranny and oligarchy, the rulers are held high above the law. And - the influence of law ebbs, wanes, even completely disappears where oligarchies took over or when one traces forgotten paths, further to the East…

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Théorie et pratique du collectivisme oligarchique de J.B.E. Goldstein – Rébellion

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Oligarchie (18)
Original Art, Painting (60x45x0.1 cm) by Guillaume VINCENT (France)
Please contact us for the availability of this work. Prints available from €19.00

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La situation est la même partout.
Des gouvernements au service des saignent les désignent des et font tirer sur la foule.

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fights the titans of corporate greed every single day. This country is for every single person, not just the ultra wealthy. We must fight against oligarchic control over what should be a democracy.

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