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If I type “A large priapulid worm living on the seafloor” to try and get a picture of Ottoia, it completely loses its mind. Whereas an artist can look at fossils, and look at images of living animals, and actually depict an animal. AI will never be able to do that.

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Cambrian ecosystems could be quite complex, with many of the hallmarks of a modern benthic community. The dioramas do a great job of showing this, with priapulids like Ottoia and Selkirkia being a major infaunal component. Second image from https://t.co/6UGECm1ICU

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Today's Cambrian creatures (find them in 's new fossil hall opening this Saturday) are Ottoia (first) and Selkirkia (second). These predatory worms had vicious mouthparts covered in teeth, hooks and spines (third). Images https://t.co/ff6Sc6cqCk by

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