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Ancestors spoke of a TIME a Light would fall from the sky that would shift the consciousness of humanity. Evolution is the new revolution! Be the change you want to see!❤ #Creator #Light #ourchildren #egodeathcollective #womenmenofwisdom #rainbowwarriors #ancestorsfromthestars
“History is for human self-knowledge… the only clue to what man can do is what man has done. The value of history then, is that it teaches us what man has done and thus what man is.”
- R. G. Collingwood
#BlackHistoryMonth #BlackHistory #TellYourChildrenTheTruth #TeachRealHistory
To everyone tweeting #UNMASKOURCHILDREN:
Masks are warm and I like how they feel on my face.
Sincerely, a child.
i'm really sorry but i truly don't know what's happening here
i don't even have purple cabbage at home
#pinkoverload #sandwich #lunch #apologies #noregrets #hideyourchildren #illustration #shootingstar #fanta #fantatropical #exotic #fruity #fizzy #bubbly #landline
“Child of Earth”
Soup No. 155
#childofearth #childrenofearth #earthling #starchild #stardust #womb #motherearth #mychild #ourchildren #motherearthnews #spacex @SpaceX #nftinspace #auctionforcharity #art #nft #nftart #NFTcommunity #nftartist #nftcollector @subtractive
Sept 2nd 1990 #MorbidSaint released their debut album “Spectrum Of Death” #CryingForDeath #Assassin #LockUpYourChildren #ThrashMetal
Did you know...
The album was produced by Eric Greif.
It is often hailed as one of the best thrash metal albums ever made.
#KhazarianJews #LuciferianDeathCult #CryptoJews #Covidhoax2020 #UK #USA #EU #ChabadLubavich #Zionism #Paysuer
#SaveOurChildren #WWG1WGA #Qanon
🖤FB: 港妹。生活🖤
#香港 #插畫 #插圖 #illustrator #illustration #hongkong #save12hkyouth #saveourchildren #香港插圖 #香港圖文 #平安回家 #一個也不能少 #關注12人港人
As the world becomes quieter you’ll be able to hear a lot more
I've decided to #StandWithSophie and do some donation commissions! Donate to the GoFundMe ( https://t.co/hBSe8DdM7w ) and recieve a drawing from the amount you donate! NONE of the money will go to me. This is to save this sweet girl!
"Say No To Child Exploitation"
June 12, World Day Against Child Labor.
#WorldDayAgainstChildLabour #CeroTrabajoInfantil #ZeroChildLabour #Cartoons4Change #DíaMundialContraElTrabajoInfantil #Nestle #Starbucks #SaveOurChildren #ChildLabour
Love as you wish as long as you love...
#MondayMotivation #lifemotivation #Pride #loveislove #kidlit #kidlitart #teachourchildrenwell
Apparently it's #TakeYourChildrenToTheLibrary Day today.
Who's is visiting or has visited the library today?
"War and Humanity"
#ChildrenUnderAttack #UN #EU #SaveOurChildren #peace #NoMoreWar
Featured on NYJB's notable Children's book list 2018 celebrating excellence in message driven, stimulating and fun reads.
Read the review at https://t.co/y1K1gmZXM3 #readwithyourchildren #lovebooks
@KWSnet RT
Antonio Rodriguez @rodriguezmonos
#JusticeForNoura #Sudan #SudanHumanRights #StopDeathPenalty #NouraHussein #HumanRights #SaveOurChildren @amnesty @AlJazeera
🔸 'Justice For Noura!!,' Antonio Rodriquez.
More on this at The Independent: https://t.co/bcoQiwdp9V
#Syria #Aleppo #Idlib #SaveOurChildren #ChildrenUnderAttack