"La Cité Morte" à découvrir ici https://t.co/vmAaZmv25D magnifique tirage d'art de François Baranger édition limitée signée tirée des Montagnes Hallucinées de Lovecraft - 70€

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"DESTROY" -Tirage d'art. Design de l'artiste Niark1 . Dispo ici https://t.co/zI3B0WNmN1 Edition numérotée de 25 exemplaires & tampon de l'artiste. Certificat d'authenticité.

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🐶💙 Day 31: Japanese Spitz!!
AAAAAAND that's a wrap!!!! Doggust 2022 is over (albeit a little late 🤫) and I have a WHOLE bunch of paper pups! 😂 I'll show the entire puppy party soon!

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Fideli Sundqvist aus Schweden baut ganze Gärten aus Papier – in unserem Porträt der Woche stellt sie sich vor >>> https://t.co/6Z2VcCTuGP <<<

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Still don't know how will I draw my prince (oc) in this one ...

Note: I took the color from some art in Pinterest..

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I created this lead illustration for ‘s Saturday newspaper - How to stay sane on a road trip.

Can anyone relate to it? 🙋‍♂️

Art direction by George Hannaford

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HAPPY DOGGUST!!!! 🐶💙 Day 1: Sheltie

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